Known Source

10 Months
Stakeholders, Developer team
Lead Designer
User Research, User Testing, Prototye, Wireframe, Low/High Fidelity Design, System Design
Figma, Sketching, Survey Tools


Known Source is a startup focused on the second-hand fashion market, aiming to improve the online shopping experience for its users. The company is committed to promoting sustainability in the fashion industry by offering a platform for buying and selling pre-owned clothing and accessories. With a user-friendly website, Known Source strives to make second-hand shopping accessible and appealing, contributing to a more sustainable fashion eco system.
This website redesign project was a comprehensive initiative to significantly improve accessibility and usability. By adopting a user-centered design approach, the project emphasized deriving actionable insights from real users through extensive primary research. This foundational work laid the groundwork for the redesign of the website's structure, aesthetics, and functionality, ensuring that our design solutions aligned with the users' needs and expectations to foster an elevated user experience.

Role & Responsibilities

As the lead designer my primary responsibilities involved overseeing the project's research initiatives and the development of design mockups. I organized and analyzed user research to inform design decisions, ensuring our approach was user-centric. I was responsible for creating both low-fidelity and high-fidelity mockups, translating user needs and project goals into tangible, visually compelling design solutions. 

Tools & Methods

Methods: User Interviews & Surveys, Competitive Analysis, Stakeholder Interviews, Persona Development, Task Analysis, Future Prioritization Tools: Figma, Sketching, Survey Tools

Value Proposition

I aimed to bring substantial value to Known Source by transforming the user experience from the ground up. Key improvements made through the project include:

  • Enhanced Usability: The redesign addressed critical usability issues, making the website easier to navigate and reducing the time users spent on simple tasks. This was achieved by decluttering the interface, organizing information more intuitively, and streamlining the product detail viewing process.
  • Improved Accessibility: Changes to the site’s color scheme and layout, such as the adjustment of the previously eye-straining footer color, made the website more accessible to a wider audience, including those with visual impairments.
  • Increased User Engagement: By incorporating user feedback into the design, such as adding a homepage slideshow and improving dealer information accessibility, the project significantly increased user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Strengthened Brand Identity: The project gave Known Source a stronger homepage identity and a consistent brand aesthetic.
  • Trust and Credibility: Implementing features like dealer vetting and displaying clear information about product conditions helped build trust among users, encouraging more transactions on the platform.

Problem Statement

How might we create a more intuitive and accessible user experience that aligns with Known Source’s aesthetic, making it easier for users to navigate and find information?

User Research

We set out on a two-week intensive user research phase, laying the foundation for informed design decisions. We conducted in-depth user interviews with 22 individuals to dive deep into the users' experiences with online second-hand shopping, specifically focusing on their interactions with Known Source's existing platform. As part of these interviews, we also conducted task analysis exercises to observe how users accomplish specific tasks on the website, identifying friction points and opportunities for improvement.
In addition to these qualitative insights, we broadened our research scope by gathering feedback from a larger audience through surveys. We reached out to 160 participants, collecting valuable data on user preferences, pain points, and desired features in an online second-hand shopping experience. 
This combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods provided us with a comprehensive understanding of our target audience, enabling us to tailor the redesign to meet their needs effectively and enhance their overall experience on the Known Source website.

Task Analysis

During the user research phase, task analysis played a crucial role in understanding the specific challenges users faced while navigating the site. This analysis helped us pinpoint critical pain points in the user journey:

  • Home Page: A big amount of information (the company’s uniqueness, product highlights, dealer highlight, product information) was overwhelming and too hard to navigate. 
  • Product Page: Access to detailed information about product sizing and condition was not straightforward, creating a barrier to making informed purchasing decisions.
  • Dealer's page: Information about the dealer's reputation was difficult to find, hindering the ability to build trust between buyers and sellers. Furthermore, the inability to favorite dealers made it challenging to create a personalized shopping experience.
  • About Us Page: Information about the company, its circular model, its mission, and users’ benefits in compare to similar second-hand clothing platforms were not presented.
  • Site Aesthetics: The use of a particular shade of blue in the footer was found to be visually uncomfortable, detracting from the overall user experience.

User Survey

The user survey component of our research provided critical insights into the preferences and behaviors of Known Source's target audience. Key findings from the survey include:

  • Engagement with Online Shopping: 60% of the participants had shopped online for clothes in the past few weeks, indicating a high engagement with online fashion retail.
  • Preference for Second-hand Clothing: 55% of the participants buy second-hand or vintage clothing, highlighting a significant interest in sustainable fashion choices among our target audience.
  • In-person Shopping Habits: Many respondents also shared that they typically shop second-hand in person at locations like Goodwill, Buffalo Exchange, and the L train, suggesting an opportunity to enhance the online second-hand shopping experience to attract these in-person shoppers.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis offered critical insights into best practices and areas for improvement by examining leading platforms in the second-hand market. Key observations include:

  • De pop: Highlighted for adding credibility to dealers, thereby enhancing user trust.
  • ThredUp: Praised for its well-formatted and clear "About Us" page, which uses just enough text and information to be effective without overwhelming users.
  • StockX: Noted for having a clear and consistent brand style across its website, contributing to a cohesive user experience.

These insights informed our strategy for the Known Source redesign, emphasizing the importance of building user trust, maintaining clarity and brevity in content, and ensuring brand consistency throughout the website.

Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder interviews were a crucial step in aligning the project's direction with the overarching business goals and vision. After presenting findings from both primary and secondary research to the stakeholders, we sought to build trust with stakeholders, gather their feedback, and understand their expectations. Here are our key takeaways:

  • Stakeholders emphasized the importance of community-driven initiatives, suggesting a need for features that foster engagement and collaboration among users.
  • Circular fashion was identified as a key value proposition, indicating a desire to promote sustainability and reduce waste in the fashion industry.
  • A sleek and intuitive user interface was highlighted as essential for elevating the secondhand fashion experience and attracting a wider audience.
  • Building trust between buyers and sellers emerged as a priority, with stakeholders advocating for robust vetting processes and mechanisms for ongoing accountability.

Target Audience / Persona’s 

The target audience of Known Source primarily consists of environmentally conscious consumers interested in sustainable fashion choices. This audience is characterized by several key personas:

  • In-The-Know: These are regular shoppers of second-hand or vintage clothing who value quality, sustainability, and uniqueness in their fashion choices. They are well-versed in the brands and styles available in the second-hand market and are looking for a user-friendly platform that offers a wide selection of quality items.
  • Need-To-Know: Individuals who are new to second-hand shopping but are interested in exploring sustainable fashion options. They require a platform that provides easy navigation, clear information about product conditions, and trust in the dealers they purchase from.
  • Infrequent-Thrifter: Shoppers who occasionally buy second-hand items in-person and are considering online options. They prioritize a seamless experience, with a clear understanding of the dealer's reputation and the quality of items on offer.


During the sketching phase, I explored various layout options and design elements to visualize key features and user interactions before progressing to high-fidelity prototypes. This iterative process allowed for rapid ideation and refinement of design concepts based on stakeholder feedback and usability considerations. Some of my focus areas included: 

  • Stronger Home Page Identity: Exploring layouts and visual elements to clearly communicate the website's purpose and offerings.
  • Dynamic 3-Column About Us Page: Conceptualizing visually engaging and informative layouts for the About Us section.
  • Product Attributes Accessibility: Ensuring easy access to product attributes for informed decision-making.
  • De-cluttering Header and Footer: Streamlining navigation and layout for a cleaner and more minimalist look.

Design Direction

  • Engagement-Driven Functionality: Develop sketches that explore features enhancing user interaction within a community framework, as stakeholders see value in connectivity.
  • Eco-Conscious Interface: Draft designs that highlight the platform's commitment to circular fashion, with a focus on sustainability as a core value.
  • Trust and Transparency: Visualize interface elements that convey reliability, such as clear vetting processes, to build stakeholder-advocated trust between users.
  • Trust and Transparency: Visualize interface elements that convey reliability, such as clear vetting processes, to build stakeholder-advocated trust between users.



The homepage features a clean, modern design emphasizing sustainability and community trust in the secondhand fashion market. It showcases a circular model for fashion items, highlighting the ability to sell back purchased items through the platform. It also promotes current trends and offers editorial content, creating a comprehensive shopping experience.

Dealers Page:

The dealer page showcases a curated selection of trusted dealers, each bringing their unique style and expertly selected second-hand items to the platform. It emphasizes the community’s role in quality assurance and the shared commitment to sustainability.

Product page

The product page presents a detailed view of a selected item, offering a high-quality image gallery, price details, and availability. It includes a 'Meet the Dealer' section that introduces the seller with customer ratings and reviews, enhancing trust and transparency. The page also suggests additional items from the same dealer and related products to encourage further browsing

About Page

The "About Us" page of the platform details the company's mission, showcasing its commitment to sustainable fashion through a circular business model. The page emphasizes trust and quality, underlining the sense of community and shared values with clear calls to action for users interested in becoming part of the circular economy.